
Monday's interclass soccer was not bad (=
Played better than expected, and even had a chance to get through if opp hadn't scored in the last few seconds. Well, good job to everyone, and hopefully P,T, or R will win (yes, and btw I'm still injured...)

I'm not sure how to begin...
Ok nvm, here goes. I do think the school is rather messed up and...inflexible? Well, the post CT activities (like today), are quite pointless (for many people). We sit and "listen" to talks for the whole day, and we learn nothing much, honestly. So why not do something more productive like giving us a day off like other schools?

Hmph, I think I'll just stop here for now. If I go on then I'll risk receiving all the crap from wadeva, saying that It's not true blah blah. Fact is, they think it is all not true, or believe it to be so... when it very well is. I'm not sure whether the problem lies with them or us or Singapore, but it is a deep-rooted problem, sometimes I'm not even sure what it is.

Anyway, tmr we're getting back our papers. Good luck to everyone (=