
Okay, so today, we finally had Mission 2 the Future, an educational event for pri 5 to sec 3 infocomm club students. and we had to bring these people around science center to complete various activities...and it was rather screwed. lol :P

haha, lil kids running all over the place. to be more accurate, 100+ lil kids, controlled by a small group of us facilitators and organisers...it was pure madness, and craziness, and of course...when you have craziness and madness added together you get fun (= Plus cute lil kids that you just wanna pinch (btw i'm not like liangz the big nose, but these kids look rly cute!).

also, we all need to remember tt the facilitators arnt very sure of what to do, and how to go about doing what we are supposed to do. Nevertheless, the event was quite a success. apart from the frenzied people runnin all over the place, we achieved our objectives with few comprimises, good job to everyone!

now for more pics (=

cath and caveman chan giving intro briefing

and the participants! (=

more people

feng and lumhui in yellow

many, many people!

the adobe presentation, houyes


lumhui in the center of his (and my) group. we had to play many impromptu games cuz the ones prepared was of teh ghey. lol

icebreakers (indoor one). they got air-con, not us =(

can you see the other groups suffering under the sun outside!

thnx feng. lol you take my cam to take this pic :P

@ iSpace exhibit

registration booths..and nice glowing lights

more booths and lights!

one of the exhibits on the 2nd floor

the infocomm tree -.-

another exhibit that looks like it has an iphone interface!

people crowding over the cool display (=

dunno where is this xD

and no idea why this is here!

houyes, we had fun, although it was rly tiring. btw, feng and leehe switched names throughout the thing (= ohnoes. time to get started on holiday homework, zzz...