join the revolution

a new craze has hit 4Q, maybe even our dear neighbour 4P. it is somewhat funny and childish, but absolutely fun! (ok fine, it may seem stupid to some)we have all started to play pokemon on gameboys again!

oh the nostalgia (= the last time i actually played my gameboy was 5+ years ago...and amazingly it still works! it's damn funny to see everyone playin their gameboys under their tables or in their pencil boxes durin lesson, and of course shouting to each other, and discussing the game like lil boys. oh well, i guess this is the way our class works, and it's fun to be in it.

apart from that, school was rather okay today. SS, HMT, Maths....and RE (= always enjoyed RE. We "watched" gattaca durin RE, which was rather enjoyable. *snigger*

haha, and then there was RIPB investiture, which was funny to watch. at the very start, they had this remote controlled toy car that sped down the centre aisle (which wasn't a red carpet but a road made out of paper), to represent the three aspects of this yr's RIPB motto: (sry i forgot but it was smth related to drifting of a car, or what was amusing was when the car kept banging into the seats along the road and going haywire xD

and then at the end there was this song item. gaby ng calls it the invasion of the orange aliens cuz the prefects were wearing this orange n black shirt that looks like people from star trek. durin the song they start to walk off the stage in this uniform, robot-like manner and start to fill up the centre aisle, while doing funny actions tht was really funny (lol)! haha, compliments to the RIPB of 2007 for makin the investiture so funny!! (i bet the visitors from other schools found it rly fun too haha!)

ok SS test comin up, n mep file! booo