
yeah man, rly happy now tht things hve been slowing down. lots of breaks n much needed rest (= whee! i can do more things now n it's great to hve this freedom

anyway, nth rly interesting has been happening la (nt tht i can rmbr). chem cct was screwed up xD hmmm..

oh ya, n more pics for entertainment (=

pic of j8 frm library lvl 4 (when we were muggin chem...okay TRYING TO)

choc tht looks wrong but tastes great!

kwok yeong!!! hehehehehehe

CHIPMUNK s/o TEO!! haha (hinthint it looks like kwok yeong!) xD

haha, okay. now must rest tmr gta run for grace mini-olympics! n prepare for my messed up schedule hmph....and chinese CT!! arghhs *dies*